Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Did a lazy day

I'm stuck with a bad diamond belt and though the day was nice and cool for cabbing I have to wait until I can get another one, soooo since Bobbi has been working on her new website I decided to fix mine. Oh it still needs (mine) some work, it looks better than it did - SpikesStoneWorks. Some of the front page text has to be changed and her gallery page will just be her contact page and I need to add some new pictures and, and, and. Ha! This kind of work drags me down now, where I used to enjoy it. Today I went over to Clam Bayou and made a new friend you see him (or her) above. I did some searching and found it to be a Yellow Crowned Night Heron, it was not very concerned about me and since we seemed to be searching for mostly the same things we enjoyed each others company for awhile. I was looking for some of the tens of thousands of "glass fish" you know the ones with transparent skin and you can see their insides and eyes. I suspect the heron was also, since we met where they usually hang out.

I also saw my first wild pink flamingo, it was in flight and though I had camera in hand I was too astonished to get a picture in time. I go to "the park" on a regular basis and have gotten some decent pictures of Osprey and Conures but I am still waiting for a Manatee sighting, there are new buoys up prohibiting motorized boats in the inlet so maybe that's a sign they are coming around.

If you would like to see more of these kinds of pictures, I put them up on my Flickr page but make them available just for friends, since not everyone is interested in my trivial exploits. If you are, feel free to make me a contact and then let me know you would like to be a friend.


1 comment:

RockMeGently said...

What a pretty bird! I'd love to enjoy your album, sort of a feathered friend fan myself :)